Gorgeous, weird, and surprising in every single issue.


Founded in Chicago in 2010, Ghost Ocean is an award-winning literary magazine whose work has been reprinted in Best of the Net, Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses, Fiction Daily, and has been shortlisted for the Wigleaf Top 50.

You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.

We also publish handmade chapbooks through our imprint press, Tree Light Books. Take a peek.



Heather Cox started scribbling poems in the sand as a tiny human. Now you can find her less sandy poems in Barrelhouse, Indiana Review, RHINO, Nightblock, PANK, Bodega, Pinwheel, and elsewhere. Heather is a Luminarts Fellow who has been featured in The Frank Lloyd Wright Trust's Emerging Chicago Artists Series and First Night Evanston, has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and is the author of three chapbooks, Mole People (BatCat, 2016), Echolocation (dancing girl, 2016) and Magnificent Desolation (Finishing Line, 2016). Heather lives in Colorado with her wife and their two dogs and can be found online at looklookhere.tumblr.com.


Timothy Moore has many blogs and fake Facebook pages for long lost literary heroes. His work can be found in McSweeney's, Nap, Thieves Jargon, and Oyez Review. Tim won the Friends of American Writers Award for his short story "This Is What It Means To Be Displaced," the Chicago Reader Fiction Contest for his short story "Thank God for Facebook!," and received a fellowship from the Luminarts Cultural Foundation of Chicago for his short story "Yellow Peril, Inc." He co-curates The Marble Room Series and The Mingle in Chicago.